Having been in over 100 offices throughout the U.K. and Australia you start to see a pattern that
occurs in peoples’ environments. Often the artwork does not support them at all in fact it becomes an
obstacle to the very philosophy of the business.
Working from the Chinese principles of the 5 elements: each one offers a totally different kind of
energy and all businesses require all of them to different levels. It offers Balance in the business
whether it be communication, negotiation, foundations, mission marketing, branding – the list is
endless that creating a balance is what people sublimely perceive how the business operates.
The directions of the rooms, tables, the positioning of the CEO and how the area is for the rest of the
team. Taking care of the team is paramount to performance and energy creation.
The element of Wood is to do with the presence of plants as they are indicative of growth, research
and branching out to other people, customers, and ideas.
Having the element of Fire commands the passion and energy regarding the business; all success
comes from the energetic footprint of the innovators, the workers, the leaders. So having a balanced
amount of Fire energy is most important especially in the advertising & marketing areas.
Water is one of the most important elements also because water is synonymous with Wealth and flow
associated with cash; this may mean a fish tank, a small fountain or even a picture on the wall of
water moving.
Want to know about the elements of earth and metal in your Business House; contact me for more
details through www.wealthyspaces.com