Cathi Hargaden Home Office Video

POSTED BY Cathi Hargaden June 23, 2017 IN Podcast | No Comments

I was invited by Pavlina Papalouka to comment on some of the ways in which to orientate

her space for business and innovation.  I made comments on colour, what sits behind her

chair and why its important to have a strong image behind you like a tiger, mountain, a bridge.

What is lying in front of you?  What are you looking at all day?

Have one picture that sums up where you want to flow to or what you wish to attract into your


I have used some of these techniques when dealing with people who have experienced mental health

problems and had their own business but were resistant to returning to work is a huge effort.

I found enabling people to have more power over their space and inviting them to be creative in this

pursuit allows people greater control over their life here in the NOW.

You may have your business at home and if that is the case you can get your own Office in Order and

set it up for Wealth and cash flow in the coming months if you get started now:

So to get started, focus on the entrance to that room, ensure you have living plants that are health,

ensure you have something behind where you are sitting, reduce any clutter or anything that restricts

movement in and around the door area.  Ensure all clocks are moving with the right time, that the

front of you has some image which illustrates your goals.

People don’t realise that is you do not clear the space from the previous occupants especially in

business or from your own self sabotaging patterns then you will continue to have the same thinking

patterns and will go round and round in circles.

My free ebook will provide you with the opportunity to get started now in setting up the space you

work in for wealth, health and focus:

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