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If you are in a hurry like everybody is these days then feng shui tips in short will do the trick.
But, like anything you can read, listen and do anything but at the end of the day you have to take
So when you have finished reading this go and do….even if you dont do it all if you take one step towards accomplishing just one of these tips you feel good about yourself and, even more importantly you followed through and starting a habit of putting things into action.
So, go now and do what you have been taught oh and dont forget if you want to know more then let me know in the box above.
Cathi Hargaden
What is energy marketing? Well Nikla Tesla once said; “If you want to understand the universe think of frequency, vibration and energy”.
It’s the 98% that is invisible that makes a deciding factor on anything; its not the tip of the iceburg but what feels to be underneath that unresounding potential, the unknown that influences an energetic field. Why would it be any different in marketing who and what we are?
Yes you can look on the outside; the beautiful glittering and shimmering wares but what makes the difference to how people feel towards anything is a frequency and vibration of energy that either transports them towards you or something or repells away from it.
Think of places you have been before where you were automatically transported towards a place, a person and it made you feel great, transported; perhaps a group of people who all had good vibes and were working together in a positive way. And, then the places, people and spaces where you just feel there is something not quite right. This is not necessarily aligned with places that look glamourous and don’t have any hidden negative energies because they do.
So, how is it you create the right energy for marketing what it is you want to create, sell and advertise?
People decide at the entrance to a house whether this is the home for them to buy or rent and yet what is it that creates that feeling? If everything is energy what is it that creates that great welcoming energy? Think colours, think of sounds, vegetation and the wow factor to any entrance. If you have a live business and you want people who work there to be productive then you have to create a feeling of unity and cooperation.
In energy marketing if you look at the Taoist philosophy it brings into two forces that all businesses have to be aware of; one is that change is inevitable the only thing is that change going up or down or stagnating the company. Two is the ability for all elements in any company, household or work place to be demonstrating cooperation; those elements in this systems are 5 – and they have names such as wood, water, fire earth and metal.
It is not that these elements are tangible in our life but more of a representation of qualities that we have to harness and use to create optimal results. These elements demonstrate to us that you require a balance, you require a certain kind of energy to motivate, create, grow, sustain and manifest and the space to receive.
This is why some of the top corporations and companies worldwide employ these models, paradigms of such great philosophies because they work; better ideas make great products and services; pulling in great flow of wealth which in turn makes people feel valued and worthwhile and so the cycle goes.
Energy Marketing therefore is about putting in place the best dynamics to attract investors; sustain capital flow and have the space big enough to accept and receive the profits.
So you may ask how do I put this into operation?
Well most companies hover on imbalances and shakily make their way through an unknown tunnel – probably because they have tunnel vision but these five elements most of the time are not cooperating with each in many peoples’ businesses or lives but more busy destroying each other; the wood uproots the earth, the fire melts the metal, the metal cuts the wood; these tendencies are required at times when certain parts of a business have to be curtailed, cutback as in nature’s pruning but each part is sum of a whole and therefore important to know where the balance should lie.
So do you want to know how to create some of the best energy marketing for your business whether it be online or in real time-then watch out for my next blog where I will be sharing some of the top secrets created precisely for energy creation to attract the right things into your business.
Sign up to get your free ebook on how to get started in your own energy marketing business.
Feng Shui Home is all about noticing what is around you and how your home impacts upon you far deeper than you realise. Feng Shui Home is all about noticing what is around you and how your home impacts upon you far deeper than you realise.
Did you notice that I mentioned that twice? Yes when images, colours, sounds and words are repeated and repeated within your envionrment they have a special effect like a mantra! You dont forget them!
It is also about realising that what you have around you is resonating with something deeper in you.
Have you ever wondered how you go into one environment and your senses and inner self just feel centred and at peace?
.Then you go into another environment and whilst you may not be able to pinpoint it – it just feels uncomfortable and you want to escape. In Feng Shui Home we see the power of the crystal hanging in the window; when the sun comes through it has a rainbow effect resonating across the walls. This brings joy to the baby, the child and is wondrous to the adult.
When the Home is empty all day the energyif often very flat but if there is a crystal there it at least wakes up the room and many a day having returned home from work I always found it a delight to view the colours not only on the wall but due to movement it often hovers also creating a fantasia-like effect.
Feng Shui Home is about colours also; often people want neutral or institutionalised colours around them – its safe they dont have to become too emotional when there are no colours.
In this Feng Shui Home the walls are off white but the space has many tempting designs and colours impacting the being from complex designs, to simple illustrations of colour. Feng Shui Home is about colours also; often people want neutral or institutionalised colours around them – its safe they dont have to become too emotional when there are no colours.
Colours have their own vibration and this is why we are constantly influenced by what is around us; colours of flowers and fruit yellow, gold, orange are good for the sotmach chakra; the lilacs are resting and peaceful; the reds are inspiring action and the green in the plants are about expansion.
Feng Shui Home has a number of paintings and it is up to you to choose what is being exuded from what you choose to illustrate on your walls.
Where is it you want to go? how do you want to feel?
what is uplifting or relaxing for you?
Feng Shui Home has a number of paintings and it is up to you to choose what is being exuded from what you choose to illustrate on your walls.
Where is it you want to go? how do you want to feel? what is uplifting or relaxing for you?what is symbolic?
what is symbolic?
Billions of pounds are spent right across the globe sublimely affecting us in many different ways; picture are no different. Be aware of what you have on your walls and make sure its radiating the message that you want to support. Billions of pounds are spent right across the globe sublimely affecting us in many different ways; picture are no different.
Be aware of what you have on your walls and make sure its radiating the message that you want to support.Aromas are most important in the Feng Shui HOome because 99% of the time we are all making decisions based on what we cant see or feel but we just know.
A contributory feature to this invisibility is the subtle power of aroma possibly it was once the most important skill we had but now we dont depend on it so muc for survival but for more attractive purposes. Aromas are most important in the Feng Shui Home because 99% of the time we are all making decisions based on what we cant see or feel but we just know.
The aroma of a space be it home, company or clinic can make the difference to someon wanting to rent, buy or enjoy a place.
Of course there is much more to discover in Feng Shui Home so why not contact Cathi at wealthsypaces@gmail.com or go to www.wealthyspaces.com
If Feng Shui is all about flow and energy and the subsequent vibration it exudes, then, if we look at Cyprus we can see how the energy of Wealth has flown in very well for many years and then……..
What happened?
Well the flow suddenly was blocked. And, what happened as a result?
In this interview you hear about how the flow of wealth was always coming in from the international jet set and when the European Central bank decided to skim off the bank accounts – rob Peter to pay Paul – it left the account holders not only with huge losses but all the subsidary ripples created out of the financial losses created in some areas mental health issues.
Feng Shui flow into the banks in Cyprus suddenly became blocked; what does Paola have to say about this flow?
Interestingly it was not as simple as funds being blocked by the Banks but, the total mindset of the island was affected. So we can see when flow of anything is locked or blocked it creates ripples across the country across the population.
The flow of Wealth and its subsequent block has occured all over the world but we see it on this small island in the middle of two economic worlds.
Should we call Feng Shui Cyprus a Feng Shui Crisis?
After all how could this diamond of wealth in the middle of the Meditarranean Sea be hijacked into dismantling its wealth and shred it by order of a bureacracy on the mainland?
Let us see where the energetic nature of wealth and the feng shui tide of money flows to next!
Tay Castle is located in the village of Kenmore in Perthshire Scotland. I visited Tay Castle and it was a delight to see some amazing Chinese Feng Shui features nestled in a landscape full of Form School Feng Shui.
What do I mean by that? Form School inidcates the landscape supports and creates good feng shui; and in this case of Tay Castle there is the black turtle located bheind thebuilding. That is the protection from Tay Forest; the River Tay encircles the castle and to the front lies the Lock Tay – a huge reflection of water with mountains in the foreground.
Inside the Tay Castle is an amazing array of features indicating a good flow in and around thebuilding; indicating focus on the compass school of feng Shui. Here we see the ancestors portrayed in stainglass windows located to the east of the castle-when the light shines through it enlightens the recall, honour and reputation of all those gone before. In Chinese culture the focus on ancestors is very important as it is believed that one’s future is determoned by the reverence shown to one’s ancestors.
There is a Chinese Room with a ceiling full of golden radiant geometry resonating a balance and vibrancy like no other seen. The intricacy of some far off eastern cultures interwoven with the more local designs of the emblems of clans and insignia demonstrate how many cultures meeting at one poit on this ceiling create an energy that is unforgettable.
All the ceilings in this Tay Castle are outstanding that you realise that there is a huge pull on your posture and all the chakra points in your body. One is held in some wonder for such a long time throughout the building that the sense of wonder and splendour continue for a long time after you have left the castle.
This is the magic of such elabourately designed works of art and the subliinal insignia designed to affect us energetically that you cannot easily forget such an experience.
Relationships: What a topic to discuss. Talking about special relationships in your life or a long term partner or civil or religious ceremony no matter what it all begins with vibration.
Have you ever felt you were exuding a particular vibration from yourself?
Have you noticed when you are in a good space within yourself that you feel great and so does everybody else?
That you start attracting some great potential friends and partners? Where does that special vibration come from?
Well it does start within but is also supported and influenced by what is it that is around you; that ‘s right, your environment.
For instance, is your environment full of certain images so that life leads you to that particular vision?
Are you hanging on to life in the past? Do you have much memorablia that ties you to too many people who have since long gone from your life?
How about looking at what is right in front of you?
What do you see?
Is it chaos or clarity? Is it comfort or pain? How do you feel where you sleep, eat, relax?
These are just some of the ideas mentioned in the interview with Corinna; a lady who talks about how she managed to attract the ideal guy into her life and it is absolutely fascinating to hear.
Is it possible that your husband or wife is within reach of where you are now?
Could it be that neither of you are resonating from the same energetic pattern and therefore quite easily miss each other?
Listening to this interview we see how people miss each other all the time without knowing it and its not until there is an internal shift within that things on the outside, begin to appear.
1. Clear Clutter
2. Change energetic pattern
3. Change your pictures
4. Orientate using the Compass
5. Time your changes.
This interview is not only a fascinating explanation on how relationships can manifest but it is an invitation to take up some of the ideas mentioned, utilise them and see how you get on.
Castle de Cazine exudes great Feng Shui for the guests!
Have you ever wondered why one hotel makes you feel elevated leaving you with a good vibration whilst another just doesnt have any vibe at all?
Castle hotels can exude a whole array of energies because they were built with defence in mind.
I mean, Who builds a castle these days? So most of them have a history and a well established energy pattern.
So, to renovate an amazing building, to make it attractive to a contemporary market but sustain the features of its bygone days is a tall feat to accomplish.
Chateau de Cazine has been renovated sympahtetically to the configuration of the original designs so presenting an environment that is ornamental but also contemporary.
It has a great energy at its entrance.
The lakes draw in positive chi to the building.
In the back of the property the building is protected by an array of different trees with different colours throughout the seasons. The arbotreum is a demonstration of how the 5 elements; fire, water, wood, earth and metal all work alongside the seasons throughout the year.
In this video I look at the oldest school of Feng Shui – called the Form School. I look at how the rear of the property is protected by the trees and the front of the property opens up to an horizon of water in lakes .
The owners of this castle hotel are intent on creating good vibrations by opening up its doors to great celebrations such as weddings.
When you have lots of good thoughts and feelings, a cooperative staff who help create that energy you have a vibration that people want to return to. People resonate with places where their feelings are mixed with good memories.
If you want to discover more on how to get started on a Feng Shui journey you can take a look at my free webinar:
Clutter Clearing is how my guest began her Feng Shui journey some months ago.
Is your business stalling? Do you find yourself procrastinating for no particular reason?
Has your life stagnated? Why do you have headaches, pains all of a sudden?
We have been looking at the process of clutter clearing and my guest today has provided some amazing insights on how she got started and what she has discovered in this process and has achieved.
Funnily enough what we discovered that it was not just about how you physically felt; lighter, less burdened, more dynamic, less weighed down and greater clarity but it had an effect in other areas of her life too.
Business wise she reported how much more clarity she gained; communication was far more simple; letting go of old stuff and memories that had not supported her particularly provided space for a better life.
An interesting point was the concept of gratitude. Even though you may have to let go of things and stuff that is dear to your heart showing gratittude for the very fact you owned it, used it, and benefited from such items is an attiude oof appreciation.
When you have that kind of attitude it does not flag up loss at all but gratitude and that there is more of those great experiences on the way. Many people brought through two world wars and many other difficult times built up an attitude of scarcity – there was not enough and therefore you have to hoard or gather lots lots more.
This attitude gives off a feeling of not enough, that there will never be enough and exudes scarcity.
It is an understandable approach to a world that has created that inner architecture in people; you know the more you want something sometimes because you are not relaxed it creates a strain almost a constipation that blocks the energy to allow that very thing to happen.
When you are relaxed; allowing things into an available space with non-scarcity values there is a greater flowing. So, returning to the clutter clearing; when you let go with ease, gratitude and appreciation it creates a space for something new to come into the next phase of your life.
So, is Clutter Clearing for YOU? Listen to this guest’s realisations and you will realise it is for EVERYONE!
It isnt just about what you can see around you that is construed as clutter; but clutter, in the computer, pockets, cars, diary, fridge, cupboards, the mind, social circle……..it is endless but ultimately if there is no space to enjoy life and create peace and harmony then all you are left with is the habitual patterns of what we call clutter and chaos.
If you want to discover more on how to get started on this journey take a look at my free webinar:
Decluttering Your Life is essential if you want to make a shift in your world.
I mean how many people are conscious of really entrapping themselves into a space within their own homes, busniesses that it actually causes them health issues?
What exactly is decluttering? Does it mean getting rid of everything? No it doesnt But it is realising what is hanging around in your life that you no longer have a need for or is impeding your flow to a better life.
I mean, for people starting businesses, this is a major factor in blocking their wealth. For those who require health, wealth and peace once again when you start the process of letting go you start to see, feel and sense a release, start to feel lighter, and you see things more clearly thanks to decluttering your life.
Students are often eager to implement the ideas of Feng Shui but it chaos already exists in their environment they are in effect just adding to that chaos. Why is why clearing out old possessions with sad associations clogging up the arteries and veins of your home is often the first aspect to address.
People are only too eager to want the effects and end results of tihs process of decluttering but it can be quite a difficult time for people. They realise the possessions they no longer need have a function are difficult to let go of because part of their identity is stuck in them.
Do you identify with this? Is this you? How do you feel when you spring clean, let go of the heaviness of those plastic bags, handing them over to the charity shop often making you inevitably feel lighter, generous and also having created more space for new developments in your life.
There is often a resistance to letting go of anything not just clutter as fear stops people from discovering space in their surroundings and therefore more space within themselves.
To discover more on how to get started click the link below and register for a free webinar.
Space – have you ever craved space around you, space from crowds, more space within yourself where peace resides?
Across all the major cities of the world people are crammed in tight like sardines with no space to swing a cat because the values of such real estate are overwhelming to most people. People are pulled to spaces where there is a special vibration.
How do you generate a special vibration in any room? Have you noticed how certain places affect you in a brilliant way and then other places revile you? In our everyday life do you focus on the object or do you focus on the space around it? Whenever there is a space people usually want to fill it with something. I have noticed how people can feel very uncomfortable having too much space as it shows them up almost like a shining a light on themselves.
This is even discomforting to most thats why they choose to surround themselves with objects, people, IT devices and food, drugs, toys and as you know the list is endless. So, what would happen if you discovered more space around and within you than ever before?
Would that give you a perception that is completely different from the one you have now? How does it feel to empty the cramped space you have now and often people tell me they can breathe, manouvre and see things differently. Less room for anxiety, fatigue, frustration.
I just came from an office where personal space was so minimum as the flavour of the office now is hotdesking. People feel all at sea when they hot desk and quite disorientated as their surroundings psychologically can be invaded at any time. So, its not just physical space as perceived by the eye but space in time too. How many gaps are there in your world of Time? Is every minute registered for doing? Are there any gaps?
Are there any silences in that space? What colour is introduced, textures, sounds, aromas, designs because ultimately you are responsible for what is invited into your personal space? Are you repsonsible for the vibrational energy exuding from you around your body?
I know more questions being asked and answers? Well get back to me as if conversation is stimulated from this topic then more space to discuss this essential dimension in our life.
For more information on how to bring some great qualities into your personal space using the principles of feng shui you can listen to a free webinar here:
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